What is Media Degaussing & Destroyer Services?
Degaussing is a good way for safe data removal from magnetic media. Media are exposed to magnetic impulse, which destroys all records from media magnetic layer. Degaussing is effective, even for those that are not efficient.
What's The Speciality?
OGITFS is first degaussing service provider in Malaysia with loner access mode for customers. Our ProDevice degausser is high quality brand of machine for data removal from magnetic media.

Media Intended for Degaussing:
● HDD disks: 2,5" and 3,5"
● Carrier (disks from disk arrays with enclosure)
● Floppy disks, audio and video cassettes
● Tape for streamers : LTO1-LTO6, DLT, SDLT, DDS, DAT, AIT, Travan, SLR, QIC, 3592,3590E, 3480, 9840, 9940, T10K, VHS.
We provide Degaussing services as below :
✔ Just bring in your media (Supported media listed below), and we can degauss it for you

# NOTE :
Degaussing process is a key for safe data removal from magnetic media.